
Archive for the ‘Gardening’ Category

Avocado Sprouting

This sprouting is done a little differently than the sprouting I discussed in Step 2… :) The seed’s a leeeedle big, even for my fancy contraption.

So, we have a full-grown Avocado tree in my front yard, that’s about as old as I am, and we got a few pears off it this year, and I ate it up, and kept one of the seeds (pits?) to try and sprout.

There she is!

There she is!

Those are actually corn-cob holders…I didn’t have any toothpicks. Meh, oh well! But it don’t make no diff, cuz look! Progress!

awesome sproutage!!

awesome sproutage!!

And, call me crazy, but I actually think this pic looks kinda cool and artsy, haha…seriously though.

But anyway, the sprouted Avocado will be ready for planting once a shoot comes out of the top of the seed. What you’re seeing in that pic are roots (I know you knew that, but just to be sure…) I only know these things cause I googled how to sprout an Avocado pit. The internet is a beautiful thing. More specifically. Google. Love it.

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As I mentioned before, my  bf & I invested in this newfangled automatic sprouter that is meant to make sprouting a lot easier. So, according to the directions, you set the timer, add the seeds to the trays, fill the reservoir with water, and then just plug she in! So…I did just that. It even drains right into the sink-no fuss!

there she is! fancy set-up in the laundry!

there she is! fancy set-up in the laundry!

And here’s a shot of the seed “cartridges”…I set them up with some seeds I’ve had laying around for a while…who knows if they’re anymore good, but I’m trying… They’re Basil, Parsley, Oregano and Thyme…but not necessarily in that order…I think I also threw some Snapdragon seeds in there.

trays of soon-to-be herbal goodness!

trays of soon-to-be herbal goodness!

So far, unfortunately, nothing really appears to be sprouting, and it’s been about a week. One tray of seeds has some tiny shoots, but I think the seeds might have just been past their prime in the first place, so I’m gonna try again with some new seeds.

Something else to note is that instead of using just plain water, we’ve been using this stuff called “Ocean Grown Solution”. It’s a concentrated solution which supposedly contains like 90 minerals and stuff which used to be in soil back at like…the beginning of time! I’ve also been using it on my house plants, and the results are amazing! I wish I had taken some before/after pix, because there is a noticeable difference in the health and appearance of the plants, in just a short time! I highly recommend!!

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Step 1: Plant…

Beautiful Bahama-land

Beautiful Bahama-land: this is what it actually looks like from space!

In general, The Bahamas isn’t the most fertile place on earth…our soil is shallow and sandy, underlain by limestone. But, our weather is good for the most part, enough rain and plenty of sun (320+ days of sun per annum…) so if you want to-you can grow things. And I do.

My grandmother was always an avid gardener, and my Dad’s not bad either. Most of the existing fruit trees in our yard, he planted. We have:

Avocado, Sea Grape, Sapodilla, Ruby Red Grapefruit, Sour Orange, Key Lime, Mulberry, Banana anddddd my most recent additions: Barbados Cherry and Pomegranate!

Baby Barbados Cherry

Baby Barbados Cherry

prettiness turns into...

prettiness turns into...



little baby bud turns into...

little baby Pome-bud turns into...

Pretty Pome-flower :)

pretty Pome-flower :)


and eventually this! Pome-fruit!

Well, I dunno about you, but I’m excited!!!

3 big mulberry trees in my yard

3 big mulberry trees in my yard

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